Owen Butler Music


Vultures Peripheral

a project from mc.sig

Written and produced over a month, Vultures Peripheral explores ideas of isolation, the loneliness crisis, and finding peace with oneself. There is a difference between being alone and being lonely, and there’s a power that comes with knowing that being alone does not mean you have to be lonely.

Rufous vs Anna’s

Anna’s is a species of hummingbird that spends its entire life in the same place—the pacific north west. Rufous hummingbirds on the other hand migrate from Mexico to Alaska every year. And when these two species meet they fight to the death. The first half of this piece is a sampled an orchestral arrangement before transitioning into an experimental electronic soundtrack in the later half.


Aramburu Island is a small nature preserve off the coast of the northern San Fransisco Bay. It’s a small spit of land that I always used to kayak by. I always wanted to run aground and explore, but there’s a giant sign telling intruders to keep out. Aramburu quickly became a metaphor for the places in life we strive to reach but never quite grasp. Released in 2022, Aramburu provides an adolescent’s reflection on how growing up amidst the Covid pandemic impacts social interaction, self-worth, and lived experience.

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